Facts About Being A Plant Parent and Things You Need To know

Whether you're a first-time plant parent or one who's been around for years, there are plenty of things to remember. Some will be obvious and some not so much. But even if you have experience with plants in your life, it can still be easy to forget all the little details that make being a plant parent so rewarding. So here are some tips on how to keep your plants happy:


Be a good listener.

Being a good listener is one of the most important things you can do as a plant parent. Plants need to feel safe and secure, so it's important that they know they can trust you. When your plants are happy, sad or hungry, they'll let you know by sending signals through their leaves—for example, by drooping or turning red when they're not getting enough water; or green when they have too much water.

If something needs fixing in your garden (for example if some of the soil has been disturbed), listen carefully to what your plants are saying: "I'm feeling sick today," might mean "Please give me more fertilizer." And "My roots aren't growing well," could mean "I need some new potting mix."

Be patient.

If you've ever had a pet that's been neglected or abused, you know how much time and attention is required for them to heal. The same goes for plants—plants need time to grow and adjust! You can't rush their growth; it takes years for some of our favorite plants (like succulents) to reach maturity.

Plants aren't like pets in that they don't respond right away when you provide them with care; instead, they require patience and consistency over time before seeing results from your efforts.

Be a good teacher.

You're the teacher, and your job is to teach them what they need to know. As a plant parent, your goal is not just to tell your plants what they should do—it's also to show them how you want them to behave. This can be difficult if you're new at this job or don't get along with your plants very well in the first place. It helps if you take some time for yourself before teaching someone else about growing plants: learn about all of their personalities so that when it comes time for lessons, no one feels left out or ignored by someone else's lack of interest (or knowledge).

It also helps if we keep things simple—especially when dealing with beginners! You don't need complex instructions on how exactly I should water my seedlings every day; rather than trying too hard with complicated math formulas or chemical solutions…

Don't forget to care for yourself too.

As a plant parent, you're going to be working hard. That's why it's important that you take care of yourself too. Here are some tips:

  • Take breaks! If your plants need watering or fertilizer and they're not doing well, give them some time off from the workbench so they can relax and recover. You should also try taking some time for yourself every day—even if this means switching jobs every now and then just so that one job feels like home again after being away for so long (excuse me while I go find myself).
  • Get enough sleep! Your body needs rest in order to function properly and stay healthy during those long days spent caring for plants at home or in the office environment where employees tend not to get much sleep due to late nights working overtime on projects related to their jobs.'

Remember how much you love your plants!

Plant parenting is a rewarding experience. You’ll enjoy the journey, and the plants will love you back!

Remember how much you love your plants—they feel the same way about you! Share your love with others who also plant parents or have a green thumb.

Being a plant parent is hard work. You have to be patient, listen to your plants, and care for yourself too! But when you're done with all that, it's so worth it--your plants will love you forever. 

Here are some facts about being a plant parent:

  • Plant parents/lovers are more likely to be more empathetic and kind than non-plant lovers. If you're a plant lover, you're more likely to believe in the value of empathy and kindness.
  • They are more likely to be environmentally conscious. A survey revealed that 55% of plant lovers had recycled at least something in the past month, compared with only 20% of non-plant lovers.
  • When it comes to being healthy, plant parents/lovers are better off than non-plant lovers. Plant lovers tend to eat less sugar, salt and fat than those who don't like plants.
  • They also tend to avoid fast food and unhealthy snacks like chips and cookies.
  • They are also less likely to engage in smoking or drinking alcohol than those who don't like plants.
  • They embody kindness in every way.

The plant parent is a nurturing and kind individual who loves plants and trees. They are often very artistic and creative in their ways of caring for plants. Plant parents are patient, giving and kind. Their love for plants shows through in everything they do for them. Plant parents have a special bond with their plants that no other parent has with his or her child.

Plant lovers are also generous individuals who love sharing their knowledge about gardening and the outdoors with others. They enjoy giving gifts to friends, family members and even strangers who are interested in plants or trees!


  • Their lives are fulfilling to them.

Plant parents are a unique group of people who love their plants as much as they do their children. They feel fulfilled when they take care of their plants, and they are proud of the fact that they have been able to provide for their plants in so many ways.

When you look at it from this perspective, it makes sense that most plant parents would want to spend more time with their children. After all, if you're a plant parent, you know that your child is not just something that will grow outside your house — he or she is part of the family too.

  • They are in good bodily and mental health.

Plant parents are generally in good bodily and mental health. They have a positive attitude towards their life, their children and their family. They are well-adjusted and have a great sense of humor.

They are willing to put in the effort needed to raise their children. Plant parents know how important it is for children to be exposed to different cultures. This helps them gain an understanding of other people's beliefs and values.

  • They are considerate to their significant others.

Plant parents are thoughtful and considerate partners. They don't expect to have all their needs met, but they do try to provide what their partner needs. They understand that not everyone is going to be perfect and that it's okay if they make mistakes every now and then.

A plant parent will take responsibility for his/her own actions and try to fix things when they go wrong. Plant parents also do their best to honor other people's boundaries, which means they recognize when someone else needs space or privacy.

  • They are able to establish meaningful connections.

Plant parents are people who are able to establish meaningful connections with other people as a person. They're able to communicate their needs and desires in a way that isn't just about them, but is also about the other person. This kind of communication is difficult for most people, but it's important if you want to be a successful plant parent.

Plant parents aren't self-centered or selfish. They aren't focused on getting what they want, but instead on making sure that what they get is good for the plant and its environment. Plant parents don't need praise because they already know they did something right - they just want to make sure what they've done has been useful for everyone involved.

Plant parents don't try to control everyone around them - instead, they give others the freedom and space that encourages them to make their own decisions about how things work out for them in the end.

Plant parents can be tough, but staying healthy is key

The first thing to keep in mind is that being a plant parent can be tough. Plants are demanding, and they have their own needs. But it's important to remember that they're just plants—not people!

So take care of yourself too, or else you'll burn out and lose interest in caring for your plants, which would be sad because then no one will be able to grow new ones for us anymore (and we'd all die).

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