How to Care for and Water your Houseplant
If you're like me, you have a few indoor plants that are well-established and happy in their homes. They're not exactly exotic, but they add a nice pop of color and greenery to my home.
And if I'm being honest with myself—and we all should be honest with ourselves—I love having plants around the house. But they do require some TLC if they're going to stay healthy over time. So how do we keep our indoor plants happy?
Water your indoor plant how often?
Watering your indoor plant is an important part of caring for it. It's best to check the tag on the pot or watering can to get an idea of how much water your plant needs, but in general, you'll want to water every day. If you're unsure about when exactly to water your indoor plants, check this out to know how often indoor plants need water!
- Plants need water in order to grow and develop into healthy specimens (and survive). If they don't receive enough moisture, they won't survive long enough for their blooms or leaves--or even their roots--to form properly. This means that if you neglect watering a plant for long periods at a time, it could die before its time!
- Plants also need regular watering because without it they won't be able thrive: A healthy soil is crucial for plants' survival; soil with good drainage helps prevent root rot from occurring by allowing oxygenation around roots' nodes so that they can breathe comfortably even when under extreme stress (like drought conditions).
- Generally speaking, the potting soil for indoor plants should be kept damp but not soggy. In the spring and summer, they typically need watering once or twice a week; in the fall and winter, they require less watering.
Give it light
Plants need light to grow. If you're not sure how much light your houseplant needs, it's best to provide it with as much as possible. Houseplants that don't get enough light will grow slowly, or not at all; plants that get too much will burn easily and have an unhealthy appearance (and may even die).
As a general rule of thumb: the bigger the plant is, the more sunlight it needs. This means that broad leafed plants like ficus trees and philodendrons require more sun than shorter shrubs like ivy or dracaena. You can also use this rule of thumb when determining how many hours per day you want your window-sill plants--small bulbs tend to need less time than big leafy ferns!
Keep it clean
- Remove dead leaves. Dead leaves are unsightly and can harbor disease, so you should remove them as soon as you notice them.
- Remove dust and dirt from your houseplant's pot every week or so by gently wiping off any dirt with a damp cloth or sponge. This will help keep the soil evenly moist and prevent root rot from occurring in your plant's roots, which is why it's important to always give plants adequate water when they're not in direct sunlight!
Feed it well
Feed it well
Feeding your houseplant is a great way to ensure that it will continue to thrive and look nice. The best thing you can do for your plants is feed them with the right fertilizer, and then make sure you water them enough to keep their leaves from drying out. Fertilizer should be applied when the soil has warmed up after being watered; this helps prevent salts from building up in the soil, which can harm plants over time by damaging roots or reducing their nutrient uptake capabilities. Feeding also encourages root growth which makes for healthier plants overall!
Keeping an indoor plant healthy and happy is a little bit of work, but well worth the effort.
Keeping an indoor plant healthy and happy is a little bit of work, but well worth the effort. There are a few things you need to know about caring for your houseplants:
- You can't just leave it to its own devices. Your plant will die if you don't keep it watered and fed regularly.
- It's not easy looking after something as delicate as a houseplant--you have to be responsible for its health!
If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, an indoor plant will bring life to any space. There is nothing else like them—they are plants that have been bred indoors, and they look beautiful. They can even save you money on electricity by cutting down on air conditioning bills! So what are you waiting for? Get a plant today!