How To Keep Indoor Plants Alive: From the Perspective of A Plant Parent

If you've ever looked into the eyes of a plant, you know that they are beautiful and complex. But, if you've ever tried to keep one alive in your home or office, it's clear that there is more than just aesthetics at stake: keeping plants alive can be quite challenging. This article will help explain how to keep indoor plants healthy and happy so that you don't have to wonder if they're going to make it through another day!

Pay attention to your plants.


  • Pay attention to your plants.
  • Check the soil regularly, and make sure it's not dry or too wet. If you see dried-out spots in the potting mix, those are signs of nutrient deficiency (or an imbalance). Water will help fix that problem!
  • Look for pests or disease on your plant leaves—the presence of insects crawling around can indicate a pest problem like aphids; if you find small white spots on leaves, this could be lice (also called "plant lice"). In either case, it's likely best to treat these pests before they get worse than they already are by removing infected parts from each affected area with tweezers and spraying them with insecticidal soap solution according to package directions (you'll need about 1 teaspoon per gallon).

Try to keep soil evenly moist, but not soggy.


Watering plants is a skill that must be learned over time. You can’t just give them too much, or too little water. You have to know your plants and their needs, which means you need to keep an eye on the soil and adjust its moisture levels accordingly.

The best way to check for proper moisture is by using a moisture meter (like this one from Amazon). If you don't have one handy, there are other ways: feel the top layer of soil with your fingers; if it feels slightly dryer than usual for that location, then add more water until it feels moist again.

Be sure your plants get enough light and water.


  • Be sure your plants get enough light and water.
  • Watering a plant is one of the most important parts of caring for it, but you should also make sure that you're watering at the right time. In general, most houseplants like to be watered in the morning or early evening if possible—when there's less heat from sun rays and more humidity from indoor air conditioning systems. If your home doesn't have AC (or if it does but isn't running), consider putting something like an old window pane over each plant's container so that there will always be some moisture around them instead of evaporating away into thin air!

Understand the needs of the plant you are caring for.


  • Common houseplants
  • Plants that need indirect sunlight
  • Plants that need direct sunlight
  • Plants that can be kept in partial shade

Keep them away from indirect sunlight.

Indirect sunlight is better than no sunlight. If you have a window that receives indirect light, then your plant should be near it. But if you don't have any windows in your home, or if they are blocked by furniture or other objects, then try to create an artificial source of light for your indoor plants by putting them on top of fluorescent lights or halogen lamps. These types of artificial sources provide the ideal combination of low intensity and direct light so that they can grow well even under poor conditions such as darkness or low humidity levels (which are common in most homes).

Plants also need more than just enough water; they also need proper ventilation in order to stay healthy and strong enough to survive through tough times like cold seasons when temperatures drop drastically overnight due to wind chill factor combined with lack of sun exposure during daytime hours spent indoors reading books while listening through headphones while sitting at computer desk typing away fast paced messages into Facebook Messenger app which allows users send text messages over Wi-Fi network connection using Internet connection provided by smartphone device itself connected wirelessly via Bluetooth technology so users can communicate faster than ever before possible even though voice communication feature has been added now too!

There are a couple of things you can do to help keep your indoor plants alive and thriving!

There are a couple of things you can do to help keep your indoor plants alive and thriving!

  • Pay attention to your plants. It's really easy to forget about them when you're busy with work or school, but it's important that you remember what they need so that they stay healthy. If their leaves look pale, or if their stems appear wilted, then it might be time for some water or light changes in the room in which they live.
  • Keep soil evenly moist, but not soggy--this will help prevent root rot (which is what causes most house plant deaths). Make sure that there is enough moisture coming from the bottom of your container so that no dry spots develop on its surface; otherwise water will drip down into those areas and cause more damage than good!
  • Be sure each individual plant gets enough light by keeping its pot placed near an east-facing window (or facing north). Plants like direct sunlight because this helps them produce chlorophyll—the substance responsible for making us green while photosynthesizing foodstuffs throughout our bodies! If left out too long without adequate amounts of illumination guessed it: no chlorophyll production means no food production either! Keep these things in mind when selecting where best to place them within your home environment."

We hope you’ve enjoyed learning more about what it takes to keep your indoor plants alive, and how you can help them thrive. We know that caring for plants can be a challenge at times, but we also believe it’s something worth doing! These tips will help bring the joy of gardening into any home with indoor plants—even if they are just one or two small ones like ours.

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