How To Make House Plants Grow In Hellish Heat: A guide for caring for houseplants during the hot weather.

If you're like me, you want your plants to thrive in the summer. But when the heat index gets over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, it can be hard to care for them properly. Luckily, there are some simple steps that will help your indoor plants survive this hot weather and keep them looking healthy throughout the rest of their lives!

Know your plant

If you're like most people, there's a good chance that your houseplant is already in the ground. However, if you've got a window sill or tabletop planter, it can be helpful to know how much light your plant needs so that you don't accidentally overwater it.



If a plant is kept in an enclosure--like an old shoebox--it's important to remember that plants need access to sunlight for photosynthesis, but also need airflow around them (which means they should not be placed directly beneath ceiling fans). This means that while some indoor plants may thrive when kept inside year-round throughout all seasons of the year (such as African violets), others will likely die off during winter months due to lack of light exposure outside their containers' glass window sills during cold weather months when temperatures drop below freezing outside overnight hours after sunrise/sunset hours during summertime days without any precipitation falling from clouds overhead above ground level since those clouds are usually made up mostly ice particles breaking up into smaller pieces which fall down onto Earth's surface below them where humans live.

Light isn't the only thing that affects plants

"Plants need water, light and nutrients to grow. They also need air to breathe and space in which to grow."

It's no secret that hot weather can be a challenge for plants. While we may think that we're doing our best by providing them with lots of cool misting or having them sit in an air-conditioned room all day long, these measures are usually insufficient when you're dealing with plants grown in heat-prone conditions like those found in Southeast Asia and India. Even if a plant looks fine on the surface (and often even if it does), it could still be suffering from dehydration or lack of oxygen due to poor airflow around its roots as well as high temperatures inside its potting mix (or even just not enough).

To ensure your houseplants are thriving during this heat wave:

Consider a light-dark cycle

The best way to ensure your plants are healthy is to expose them to a light-dark cycle.



Plants need sunlight, but too much can damage them. They also require darkness to rest and recover from the stress of being exposed to too much light while they grow. It's important that you create an environment that provides both natural sunlight and shade for your plants in order for them to thrive!

Keep your house relatively cool

To keep your houseplants happy, you'll want to keep the temperature between 65-75 degrees. This is the temperature at which most houseplants can thrive.



If you live in an area where temperatures are hotter than this (or if you just feel like keeping things cool), consider placing a thermometer near each plant so that you can check on their conditions every day or two. If they're getting too hot or too cold, adjust accordingly!

The same goes for humidity: If it's too wet inside your home, try opening up some windows or cracking open an air conditioner--but be careful not to let the humidity get too high so that mold doesn't grow on your furniture and walls.

Give your plants plenty of air

The best way to make sure your houseplants are happy and healthy is by providing them with plenty of air.



Keep them away from heat sources! The plants will do their best if you keep them out of direct sunlight as well. Don't put them near an open window, or just leave the curtains closed all day long so they can stay cool while you're at work (or doing anything else). You should also try not to have any drafts around your home either--this means closing off any cracks or holes in walls or ceilings where air can escape easily.

Water in the morning and night, or when the soil feels dry to the touch, and then wait an hour before watering again. Be patient, because it can take several weeks for a plant to adjust to the new conditions.

Water in the morning and night, or when the soil feels dry to the touch. Wait an hour before watering again. Be patient, because it can take several weeks for a plant to adjust to the new conditions.



The key is to make sure your houseplants have access to lots of water while they're adjusting; this will prevent them from becoming root-bound or wilting due to drought stress.

Caring for indoor plants is often a challenge in hot weather, but not impossible.

In the same way that you can avoid sunburn by wearing sunscreen, it's important to know what kind of weather is ideal for your houseplant. If you live in a climate where temperatures often reach into the 90s or 100s F (35 degrees C) during summer months, then there are steps you can take to keep your plant happy and healthy.

  • Know Your Plant: The first step toward caring for an indoor plant is knowing its needs--and not just about light but also about water and air circulation as well as temperature range. For example, some plants require more airflow than others; certain types prefer warmer temperatures than others; some types may thrive if exposed only once every few weeks while others need daily care throughout the year.
  • Light Isn't Everything: Keep in mind that even though some plants do better with less light (like cacti), others do better with more light (like succulents). So don't be afraid if one type of potted plant doesn't seem to be doing well outdoors during hot weather; perhaps try another variety instead!

If you follow these tips and stick to them, you’ll be able to keep your plants healthy and happy in the heat. The key is to remember that plants need light and water, but they also need air circulation. Consider using a humidifier if needed, or even an oscillating fan to move warm air around the room where your plant lives (but don’t blow directly onto individual leaves). And lastly—and this is important—don’t forget about the windows! Window screens can usually handle hot weather better than other kinds of screens because they allow more air flow through them without letting bugs get trapped inside too much moisture evaporates faster from cold glass than warm wood framing.

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