How To Repot Indoor House Plants

If you've ever had house plants, you know how annoying it can be when they get pot-bound. You try to move them into a new pot, but they just sit there with roots sticking out. Or maybe they just don't look good in your new space and need repotting. Either way, repotting is one of the most important things you can do for your plants! But before we get into the details (and more tips), let's talk about how to clean up after yourself so that this process goes smoothly:

Cleaning up the pot

To clean up the pot, remove the old soil and dead roots. Then rinse it thoroughly with water until no more dirt comes out of your plant's roots.



Next, dry it for several hours on a towel or paper towel before returning any excess moisture to the roots and top of your potting soil mixture using a spray bottle filled with distilled water (not tap).

Water and nutrients

You may have heard that houseplants need to be watered every day and that they’re not the same as outdoor plants. But this is simply not the case! Houseplants are just like any other living thing: they need water, too.



Here are some guidelines on how much water your houseplants should get:

  • 1 inch of water per week (1/4 inch per day) if you live in a warm climate, or
  • 2 inches of water per week (1/2 inch per day) if you live in an arid region like Arizona or Nevada

Repotting into new containers

If you're repotting your houseplants into new containers, here are some things to keep in mind:



  • Use a potting mix that drains well. A good potting mix will drain well and allow excess water to evaporate without letting rot occur.
  • Don't use pots that are too large or small for the plant; they might not hold enough soil for the plant's roots and could cause it to die due to lack of nutrients. For example, if you're repotting an African violet into a terracotta pot (which is much smaller than what it was originally), make sure you don't overfill with soil or leave any gaps between each leaf so that no air can get through and dry out your precious little flower!

House plants can be kept alive in small spaces.

Houseplants can be kept alive in small spaces. In fact, they're one of the best ways to clean the air and make your home feel more welcoming. They're also easy to care for, so long as you have a place for them and plenty of light to keep them happy.

If you've got an apartment or house where space is at a premium (or if you just want to avoid buying new plants), consider repotting your indoor houseplants instead of moving them into bigger pots or boxes.

House plants are great for adding color, fragrance and atmosphere to any room. But if you've got a large collection of houseplants and want them all to live longer, it can be tricky--especially if they're in small pots. Luckily, there are ways to keep your plants happy and healthy while still allowing them the space they need to grow.

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