Reasons Why Your Philodendrons Are Curling

If your philodendron leaves are curling, it may be time to water the plant more often. The philodendron will respond to a lack of moisture with wilting leaves and drooping stems so don't skip watering! In fact, if your plants seem to be getting enough water but they're still not growing properly or have yellowed leaves, check out this article on why that might happen!

The main reason why leaves curl is overwatering.

You may be wondering why your philodendron leaves are curling up, or even worse, dying. The main reason why this happens is overwatering.



When you overwater your philodendron plant, the roots can rot and the leaves will curl in on themselves to protect themselves from water damage. This causes them to become weak and unable to absorb nutrients from their soil properly. If left untreated it will eventually die because it cannot survive without being able to take up water again!

The second reason, soil salts.

  • Soil salts can build up over time.
  • Salts are a common component of many soils, and when they do get into your philodendron's root system, they can cause curling leaves and other issues. The best way to prevent this is by choosing a non-salty plant substrate. If you're not sure if your soil is too dry or too wet, check out our guide on how to water plants properly!



  • Yellowing of leaves may be another symptom of salt buildup in the soil--it's even possible for yellowing to occur on one side but not on another side! This could mean that your plant needs some extra fertilizer or it could also be an indication that something else isn't right with its nutrition levels (like lack of nutrients).

The third reason is too little light.

The third reason is too little light.



Philodendrons need at least 6 hours of indirect sunlight, or they will curl up and die. This means that your philodendron should be in a place where it gets bright light but not direct sun, like on a north-facing wall or window sill. It also must be kept away from heat sources such as heating vents and air conditioners, because these can quickly dry out the soil around your plants' roots and cause them to curl up like old pennies in the bottom of your purse!

Too much fertilizer can cause leaves to curl.

You may have noticed that the leaves of your philodendron are curling up. This is a common problem in many plants, and you can solve it by ensuring that you're using the correct amount of fertilizer and watering your plant properly.

If too much fertilizer is used, it can cause the leaves to curl up because they become too heavy for their stems to support. Make sure that you check the instructions on any bottle of fertilizer before using it; this will ensure that there's enough water in each bottle so that no matter how much fertilizer is added or diluted over time, there will still be plenty left at once (and not just little bits). If your supplier recommends using less than what's recommended on their label then use half as much--or even one quarter if necessary!

A lack of calcium (leaves will have a yellowish tinge).

If you notice that your philodendrons are curling up, the first thing to do is add more calcium. This will help them keep their leaves straight and prevent them from curling.

Calcium is an important part of plant nutrition, so it's essential that your plants get enough of it in their soil. You can add some by mixing equal parts of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) and limestone together at a ratio of 1:2; this will be enough for a small container or pot of philodendron soil with only a few plants in it!

Be sure your philodendron has the correct amount of water, nutrients and light!

  • Be sure your philodendron has the correct amount of water, nutrients and light! Philodendrons are susceptible to poor drainage and can become overly thirsty if they're not given enough water. They also need good indirect light to grow healthy leaves.
  • Use a soil with good drainage so that the roots don't become too wet during heavy rains or watering cycles.
  • Fertilize your philodendrons with a water-soluble fertilizer like MiracleGroTM at half the strength recommended on the label (1 tsp per gallon). This should be done once per month during spring through fall months when temperatures are warm enough for this type of fertilizer application

I hope this article has helped you understand the reasons why your philodendron is curling its leaves. If you don’t want to overwater or over fertilize, then it might be time to try some new tips!

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