Seeing the Light: Optimize the Health of Your Monstera Deliciosa With Proper Lighting Care


You've probably seen this trendy plant in social media posts, or even in person at a trendy cafe or restaurant. Monstera deliciosa often called the Swiss cheese plant, is a prized houseplant because of its lush leaves and easy care. But like all plants, it requires proper lighting to thrive.

If you're thinking of adding a Monstera deliciosa to your home, or you've already got one and want to make sure it's getting the light it needs, read on for our tips on how to give your Swiss cheese plant the best lighting care possible.


What Lighting Is Best for Your Monstera Deliciosa?

The Monstera deliciosa, also known as the split-leaf philodendron, Swiss cheese plant, or window plant, is a tropical vine that is commonly grown as a houseplant. This plant flourishes in bright, indirect light and requires high humidity levels to thrive.

If you are looking for the best location to place your Monstera deliciosa, a spot near a window that gets some direct sunlight is ideal. However, make sure to rotate the plant regularly so that all sides receive an equal amount of light. If your home does not have any windows or if you live in a climate that does not have bright sunlight year-round, you can supplement it with artificial light.

How Bright Should a Monstera Deliciosa's Environment Be?

Your Monstera Deliciosa needs bright, indirect light.

It should never be in direct sunlight, as this could cause the leaves to bleach and produce brown spots. A window with eastern or southern exposure is ideal, but make sure the plant isn't in direct sunlight at any time during the day. If it is, rotate it every few hours so all of the leaves can get a chance to bask in some indirect light.

Avoiding Over-Exposure to Sunlight for the Monstera Deliciosa

Just like people, plants need a break from the sun every once in a while. The Monstera Deliciosa, in particular, needs to be kept in a shaded area most of the time. This is because it is susceptible to sunburn just like people are.

Too much sunlight. It's important to keep an eye on how much light your Monstera is getting and to move it to a shaded area if it looks like it's starting to get too much sun.

Too much sunlight will cause the leaves of the plant to turn yellow and eventually fall off. So be sure to give your Monstera plenty of indirect light and monitor its exposure to the sun closely.

Provide Enough Light During Winter Months

The shortening days and weaker sunlight of winter can cause your monstera to etiolate, or grow tall and thin in search of light. This manifests in yellow leaves, fewer leaves, and overall unhealthy growth.

To avoid this, make sure to provide enough light during the winter months. If your monstera is growing near a window, rotate it periodically so that all sides get an equal amount of light. You may also need to supplement with artificial light, like a grow light, to make sure your plant is getting enough.

Making Adjustments if the Leaves of Your Monstera Deliciosa Begin to Yellow

If the leaves of your Monstera deliciosa begin to yellow, it is likely that the plant is not receiving enough light. The first step is to move the plant to a brighter spot. If the leaves are still yellowing, you may need to supplement them with artificial light.

To do this, you will need to purchase a grow light. There are many different types and sizes of grow lights available on the market, so it is important to do your research to find the one that best suits your needs.

Once you have your grow light, set it up so that it is shining directly on the leaves of the plant. You will need to experiment a bit to find the perfect distance, but a good rule of thumb is to start with the light about 12 inches (30 cm) away from the plant and adjust as needed.

The Benefits of Installing a Grow Light System for Your Monstera Deliciosa

While it is possible to grow your Monstera deliciosa outdoors, they will not flower or fruit unless they are grown in very specific conditions. If you want your Monstera to flower and fruit, it is best to grow them indoors under grow lights.

Grow light systems provide your plant with the optimal amount of light, and can help you achieve the results you are looking for. Not only will your plant be more likely to flower and fruit, but it will also be healthier and have a longer lifespan.

Grow light systems can be expensive, but they are worth the investment if you want to get the most out of your Monstera deliciosa.

Monstera deliciosa, also known as the Swiss cheese plant, is a favorite for many indoor gardeners because of its large, gorgeous leaves. However, proper lighting care is essential to keeping your plant healthy and looking its best.

Plants need light to grow, and the amount of light they need depends on the type of plant. Monstera deliciosa prefers bright, indirect light, so a spot near a window but not in direct sunlight is ideal.

To keep your plant healthy, make sure it gets at least several hours of direct sunlight each day, and supplement with artificial light if needed. Also, be sure to rotate your plant regularly so all of its leaves get an equal amount of light.

With proper lighting care, your Monstera deliciosa will thrive and be a beautiful addition to your home.

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